Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bespoke Bow Ties

Unquestionably, bow ties are a unique accessory to the average mans wardrobe.  However the gentleman who is adventurous enough to embark into this realm of fashion and distinction can find a wonderful assortment of color and design.
I began making bow ties years ago for my father who has always considered the bow tie, his tie of choice.  Growing up my father would occasionally complain of how difficult it was to find a nice bow tie.  Often times the only ties he could find were either the cheep clip-on style...(please avoid) or simply boring patterns and colors.  These are a few I have made recently.  I enjoy finding interesting patterns and colors in silks as my inspiration for my bow tie projects.
Easy to make with a little patience and some hand stitching you can design your own with different shaped bows and types of cloth.